Church of St. Augustine Goa


The Church of St. Augustine is a famous landmark in Old Goa, located about 10 km east of the capital city of Panaji. The church was constructed in 1602 by Augustinian friars who arrived in Goa in the 16th century. It was once considered one of the largest churches in Goa, but now, only the ruins of the church remain. Despite this, the church's ruins still attract visitors intrigued by its architecture and history.

The Church of St. Augustine was dedicated to Our Lady of Grace and was constructed in the Baroque style of architecture. The church had four chapels, eight altars, and a convent. The interior of the church was adorned with beautiful paintings and frescoes. The church's bell tower was considered one of the tallest in Goa at the time, with a height of about 46 meters. The tower had four bells, one of which was the second-largest in Goa, weighing over 2,250 kg.

However, the church suffered significant damage during the 18th century due to natural calamities and neglect. In 1835, the Portuguese government ordered the church's demolition and the sale of its materials. The church's bell tower was the only part that survived the demolition.

Today, the ruins of the Church of St. Augustine stand as a testimony to its former glory. Visitors can still see the bell tower's remains and the church's façade. The bell tower is visible from a distance and is a popular spot for photography. The church ruins are located on a hill, and visitors must climb a flight of stairs to reach it.

Visitor Information
  • Trip Duration:1-2 hrs
  • Transportation Options: Flight/Bus/car

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FAQs about Church of St. Augustine

  1. Q1.
    What is the entry fee for the Church of St. Augustine?

    There is no entry fee to visit the Church of St. Augustine.

  2. Q2.
    What are the times to visit the Church of St. Augustine?

    The Church of St. Augustine is open to visitors from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM on all days of the week.

  3. Q3.
    What is the best time to visit the Church of St. Augustine?

    The best time to visit the Church of St. Augustine is during the winter months between November and February when the weather is pleasant and dry.

  4. Q4.
    How can I reach the Church of St. Augustine?

    The Church of St. Augustine is located in Old Goa, about 10 km from Panaji. Visitors can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach the church. The nearest railway station is in Karmali, which is about 10 km away from the church.

  5. Q5.
    Is photography allowed inside the Church of St. Augustine?

    No, photography is not allowed inside the Church of St. Augustine.

  6. Q6.
    Is the Church of St. Augustine wheelchair accessible?

    No, the Church of St. Augustine is not wheelchair accessible due to the steep flight of stairs that need to be climbed to reach the church.

  7. Q7.
    What is the history behind the Church of St. Augustine?

    The Church of St. Augustine was constructed in 1602 by Augustinian friars who arrived in Goa in the 16th century. The church was dedicated to Our Lady of Grace and was constructed in the Baroque style of architecture. The church suffered significant damage during the 18th century due to natural calamities and neglect. In 1835, the Portuguese government ordered the church's demolition and the sale of its materials.

  8. Q8.
    What are the other tourist attractions near the Church of St. Augustine?

    Some other tourist attractions near the Church of St. Augustine include the Basilica of Bom Jesus, Se Cathedral, and the Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate

  9. Q9.
    Is the Church of St. Augustine open to visitors?

    Yes, the Church of St. Augustine is open to visitors. However, it is important to note that it is an active place of worship, so visitors should respect those attending services.

  10. Q10.
    What is the dress code for visiting the Church of St. Augustine?

    There is no specific dress code for visiting the Church of St. Augustine, but visitors are advised to dress modestly out of respect for the religious nature of the site.

  11. Q11.
    Are there any fees for visiting the Church of St. Augustine?

    There are no fees for visiting the Church of St. Augustine, although donations are always appreciated.

  12. Q12.
    What are the opening hours of the Church of St. Augustine?

    The Church of St. Augustine is typically open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, although these hours may vary depending on the season and day of the week. It is always a good idea to check beforehand to ensure the church is open.

  13. Q13.
    Can I attend mass at the Church of St. Augustine?

    Yes, visitors are welcome to attend the Church of St. Augustine mass. Mass is typically held on Sundays and other holy days throughout the year.

  14. Q14.
    What is the history of the Church of St. Augustine?

    The Church of St. Augustine was founded by the Augustinian order of friars in the 16th century. It was built on the site of a former Hindu temple and was completed in 1602. Over the years, the church has undergone numerous renovations and restorations.

  15. Q15.
    What are some notable features of the Church of St. Augustine?

    The Church of St. Augustine is known for its beautiful architecture, combining European and Indian styles. It features a tall bell tower, a stunning altar, and several beautiful stained glass windows. Additionally, the church contains the mortal remains of several Augustinian friars who served the community in the past.

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